BoundingBox | Axis-Aligned 3D Bounding Box Class |
cbuffer< T, A > | Templated Circular Buffer Container |
GltBlend | OpenGL Blending Node |
GltClearColor | OpenGL RGB Clear Color |
GltColor | OpenGL RGB Color |
GltColorMap | One Dimensional Color-Mapping Class |
GltCursor | Cursor position class |
GltDisplayList | OpenGL Display List Node |
GltDisplayListCache | Display List Cache |
GltFadeViewport | OpenGL Viewport Fade Node |
GltField | Base class for field serialisation/menu system |
GltFieldFunc< T > | Callback function field |
GltFields | Field container class |
GltFont | Abstract base class for bitmap fonts |
GltFontAscii | GLT ASCII font class |
GltFontTexture | GLT Textured font class |
GltFontUnicode | OpenGL Unicode Font Class |
GltFrameBuffer | Base class for framebuffer interfaces |
GltFrameBufferRGB | RGB frame buffer interface |
GltFrameBufferStencil< StencilType, GlStencilType > | Stencil buffer interface |
GltFrameBufferZ< DepthType, GlDepthType > | Z-buffer interface |
GltFrameRate | OpenGL Frame Rate Information Class |
GltFrustum | OpenGL Perspective Camera Class |
GltHistogram | Histogram Node |
GltInterpolator | Interpolator Base-Class |
GltInterpolatorColor | Color Interpolator Node |
GltInterpolatorRotation | Rotation Interpolator Node |
GltLight | OpenGL Light Source Class |
GltLightModel | OpenGL Lighting Model Class |
GltLine | Line Node |
GltMaterial | OpenGL Material Class |
GltObserver< T > | Type-safe base-class for Observer classes |
GltObserverAbstract | Abstract base-class for Observer classes |
GltOrtho | OpenGL Orthographic Camera Class |
GltPath3D | Abstract base class for parametric 3D paths |
GltPath3DHelix | Helical 3D path |
GltPath3DLine | Linear 3D path |
GltPath3DSegment | 3D path segment |
GltPushMatrix | OpenGL Push-Matrix Convenience Class |
GltRandomDouble< R > | Adaptor for random double precision floating point numbers |
GltRandomInteger< R > | Adaptor for random numbers in integer domain |
GltRandomLCG | The Park and Miller "Minimal Standard" LCG generator |
GltRandomLFSRMix | Multiple LFSR (Linear Feedback Shift Register) generator |
GltRandomOrientation< R > | Random orientation matricies in 3D |
GltRandomSphere< R > | Random points on the unit sphere |
GltRasterPos | OpenGL Raster Position Class |
GltRegistry | Field Heirachy Container |
GltRegistryMenu | Field Heirachy Browser |
GltShape | Scenegraph Node Base-Class |
GltShapes | Scenegraph Parent Node Base-Class |
GltSkyBox | OpenGL Sky Box |
GltSkySphere | OpenGL Sphere Box |
GltStarField | Starfield Node |
GltSubject | Subject Class |
GltTextOverlay | Text Overlay Node |
GltTexture | OpenGL Texture Class |
GltTextureViewport | Tiled Texture Viewport Node |
GltViewport | OpenGL Viewport Class |
GlutAxes | RGB Axes Shape Class |
GlutCone | GLUT cone scene-graph node |
GlutCube | GLUT sphere scene-graph node |
GlutCylinder | GLUT cylinder scene-graph node |
GlutDodecahedron | GLUT dodecahedron scene-graph node |
GlutIcosahedron | GLUT icosahedron scene-graph node |
GlutMaster | GlutMaster C++ Wrapper for GLUT event loop |
GlutMenu | GLUT Menu Class |
GlutOctahedron | GLUT octahedron scene-graph node |
GlutRobot | GLUT Window Event Trigger Class |
GlutSphere | GLUT sphere scene-graph node |
GlutTeapot | GLUT teapot scene-graph node |
GlutTetrahedron | GLUT tetrahedron scene-graph node |
GlutTorus | GLUT torus scene-graph node |
GlutWindow | GLUT window base class |
GlutWindowExaminer | Examiner Style Window Class |
lru< T1, T2 > | Templated LRU (Least Recently Used) Cache |
Matrix | 4x4 Matrix |
Plane | 3D Plane Equation |
Point | 3D Position and Normal Class |
ReferenceCountPtr< T > | Templated reference-counting pointer |
Timer | Elapsed Time Object |
UnMatrix | 4x4 UnMatrix |
Vector | 3D Vector |
Vector4 | 4D Vector |